Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Medifast week #1

So toady marks my first weigh in while doing Medifast. I lost 7 pounds. Notice the lack of exclaimation points at the end of that sentence. You'd think I'd be happy with that.. but I'm really just 'eh' about it. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad its gone and seriously in the grand scheme, 7 pounds is stupid amazing. So why the lack of joy? Because I alway want to be like those super losers who lost like 14 in their first week. I'm just not and really, it pisses me off! LOL Part of this journey for me is going to be about being happy with ME. And so far, that's the toughest part of this whole deal.

This week has been so long for me. So much has been learned. First, I think Medifast is really super easy. I'm shocked that I am saying that. On my first day, I was practically coming out of my skin! But seriously, I don't have to THINK about food. It is so freeing - well... I just can't articulate that enough. I now do believe that yes, I could actually do this for the next 6 months! It's that easy.

I've also done something this week that I never do when I try to lose weight. I have been telling practically everyone I know about what I'm doing. I'm still not exactly sure why I keep spilling my guts. Encouragement? Accountability? So I can defend this product and their for convince myself even further that this IS the right thing for me? I don't know. But I hope it helps me. Usually I hide my secret like its a dirty little sin. So, you know, if I binge like crazy and then gain everything back - no worries, no one knew I was trying to lose it to begin with.

In the end, this week was a great success. I hope to have many many more.

Current weight: 242.7
Weight lost this week: 7 lbs
Weight lost in all: 7 lbs

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